Blancco Management Console 5.11.1 has been released and contains the fix to mitigate this vulnerability. It is highly recommended to update your Blancco Management Console to the latest version. Please contact Blancco Technical Support for further assistance.
Blancco Full Version
Within this Lifecycle Policy, what constitutes a "version" is determined by Blancco. A given version's general availability (or "GA") release date also serves as the GA release date for all subsequent, subordinate upgrades, updates and service packs issued for that version. Blancco will make all determinations regarding when to end its support relating to any vendor platforms or other coordinating product or program, including without limitation those that have been superseded by new versions, are in extended support or have been made end-of-life by their vendors. After release, Blancco products go through three sequential Product Support Lifecycle phases: General Support, Extended Support and Self-support. General Support is available for the first 24 months after the GA release date for a given version of a Blancco product. Extended Support becomes available immediately after the General Support phase ends and continues for an additional 12 months, running from months 25 through 36 after the GA release date. Self-support begins immediately after the Extended Support phase ends, or 36 months after the GA release date. Without regard to the time periods set forth above, the concepts of General and Extended Support do not apply to Service Releases. When a new Service Release is released, the previous Service Release is supported (at the same level as the associated product version) for 12 months thereafter or until support for the product version ends, whichever comes first. Outside of the support lifecycle benefits, it is advised that product versions be updated to the latest releases in order to enhance product performance, take advantage of new features and maintain a strong security posture.
Blancco shall have the right to update, to provide new functionality or otherwise change the design of any Software or to discontinue the manufacture or sale of any Software in its absolute discretion without any liability to You. Blancco?s policy for providing support in relation to any old version of the Software or the discontinued Software shall be available at or such other website address as may be notified to You from time to time (?Support Lifecycle Policy?). Blancco may amend the Support Lifecycle Policy in its sole and absolute discretion from time to time.
Terms may be drafted in different languages. English version shall always be the official version and in case of conflict between English and other language versions, the English version shall always prevail.
Blancco's data wipe products scale from a single, reusable PC erasure tool to software for erasure requirements in mass storage environments and data centers. The various versions support erasure of different hardware configurations.
Many of the articles in this blog are often dedicated to the topic of data erasure. As many of us will be aware; in our digital age, information is the new gold. Remember the old western movies? Bad guys riding horses spent their life robbing trains for chests full of this precious metal, but today our computers are the chests and our data is the gold. Who are the bad guys? They are cyber-criminal organisations that operate within the dark web, who know exactly where to sell and how to make money with our data.
A very important aspect of Blancco File Eraser is that at the end of each erasure process it generates a Data Erasure Report, which is digitally signed as a proof that the process completed successfully.
Blancco Drive Eraser PC Edition is a version of personal use, provide secure method to erase data on the storage device - regardless of the underlying technology - in an effective way, safe and friendly environment. Ensure your sensitive data, you have to be hygienic from servers, laptop, desktop and hard drive with the solution to wipe software disc is certified the best on the market. Each process delete be verified and certified, which leads to a certificate delete have signature forged to demonstrate compliance with regulations, data protection, local, national, and global.
As I understand it, the rights to DBAN were purchased by Blancco earlier this year. That is why there has been no work on any updates on the program for over 2 years. The latest posted version is just the previous version with the Blancco ad tacked on the end.You might also notice whoever posted this version failed to turn off the logging feature so the screen fills with the program load steps instead of a silent install with just the blue screen. I looked at the content of the drive after a successful wipe and there were no entries - all logical zero. Think it safe to say the offending ad is just an addition to the existing DBAN code that displays from memory only upon completion of the processing. Note also that if my memory is correct - DBAN used to write an entry to the MBR that said the drive was wiped using DBAN and list the method, date, and some other relevant details. I do not see that any longer. Perhaps the folks at Blancco could advise why that was removed and be so kind as to put it back.
This automation removes human error, ensures delivery on customer commitments and streamlines the building of accurate inventory. The Makor ERP validates that devices are prevented from moving through downstream processing gates until they have had their data successfully erased via the Blancco integration.
Greenbox has made a long term commitment to the Makor Blancco partnership as part of its overall adherence to providing the highest quality asset lifecycle management in Australia. Currently, Greenbox is using Blancco Drive Eraser, Blancco Management Console and Blancco Mobile Diagnostics and Erasure, which the company invested in in mid-2017. Greenbox has developed a set-up and configuration to distribute a portable version of BMDE allowing customers to benefit from an onsite process.
Apple devices are in a separate category and the data there shows that the iPhone 6 and 6s are the most unreliable, having more than twice the number of failures compared to their Plus versions. So if you are getting a refurbished iOS phone and plan on keeping it for a long time you might want to avoid these two.
All-in-One solution for any data erasure and reuse needs: Blancco - Data Cleaner+ combines 100% secure erasure with extra value- added benefits.Deleting and formatting do not erase data of your hard drive. High-speed erasure created by Blancco - Data Cleaner+ cannot be recovered with any existing technology. BDC+ wipes all the data up to Confidential, Secret and Top Secret security levels. BDC+ covers all international standards and more. It meets and exceeds data security standards of US DoD4 5220.22-M. Compatible with any up-to-date working hard disk and thanks to its own operating system, BDC+ can be operated personally whenever, wherever needed. The user-friendly BDC+ is a stand-alone software that includes unlimited erasures for one PC/server (up to 4 ATA/IDE/SCSI/USB hard disks drives of any size), detailed Hardware Asset Management information report (i.e. details of processor, memory, hard drive etc.), Windows OS version & serial number detection & reporting, MS Office version number detection & reporting, Hardware Functionality Test, and many more. This application is available as media package, Preinstall service, network solution (LAN), and ASP.Blancco - Data Cleaner+ offers 100% secure erasure with integrated hardware testing, automatic hardware inventory and reporting, all at once!
All software that you can find on our servers, including Blancco - Data Cleaner+, is either freeware, shareware or open-source, some of the software packages are demo, trial or patch versions and if possible (public domain licence), we also host official full versions of software. - A Free Download Portal - 120,459 Programs Online. All provided software is freeware, shareware, trial or demo version. 500GB hosted on our servers. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. D.M.C.A.
The H700 will not do hdparm commands, even with the latest bios. The firmware on the card is the latest version, too. Furthermore, Blancco can't read the drives with the H700 and just hangs forever, probably because it can't read the security info through hdparm. 2ff7e9595c