The Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) processes the applications and issues concealed weapon licenses. Find out if you are ELIGIBLE and how to apply for, or renew, a ND concealed weapon license and which states have RECIPROCITY.
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Any person 21 years of age or older may apply in writing to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in which he or she resides, or if he or she is a member of the United States Armed Forces, the county, or city in which he or she is domiciled, for a five-year permit to carry a concealed handgun. 18.2-308.02
The most common reasons for denial of a concealed handgun permit, other than a criminal offense, is the failure of applicants to completely fill out question number two regarding length of residence on the application and/or the failure to answer all questions. Failure to provide necessary information and failure to answer all questions results in an incomplete application.
Carrying a concealed handgun in the state of Colorado requires a permit, which is issued by the Colorado county of residence. Once granted, permits are valid for a period of five years, at which time the permit holder must apply for permit renewal and updated photo. By Colorado state statute, persons must always have the permit accessible whenever carrying a concealed handgun. The application requirements for both an INITIAL PERMIT and a RENEWING PERMIT are described in the table below.
To apply for a concealed handgun permit complete the application (PDF) and attach appropriate documentation and funds. Upon completion please call 719-583-4941 for your appointment. Your initial appointment will take approximately 30 minutes. At that time, your application will be processed, photo and signature will be taken along with fingerprints.
If applying to renew a Concealed Handgun Permit you would not need to bring another copy of your Firearms Safety Course Certificate or DD-214 form, unless you have completed another term of military service. A criminal background check will be conducted on all applicants. It is the applicant's responsibility to renew the permit before it expires. The permit will expire at Midnight on the date listed on the card. If a permit expires, an individual may not carry his or her weapon concealed until a new permit has been received by the applicant.
In addition to meeting the qualifications in R.S. 40:1379.3(C), an applicant must demonstrate competence with a handgun by completion of an approved firearms safety or training course taught by an NRA or P.O.S.T. certified instructor that is registered with State Police, or completion of small arms training while serving in the military (as evidenced by a DD-214), [active service members, reservist and national guard members must include a clear photocopy of their military ID (front & back) with a copy of their last qualification record from their 201 file], or possession of a current valid license to carry a concealed weapon issued by a parish law enforcement officer.
Lifetime permit holders are required to complete refresher training every five (5) years as required by LRS 40:1379.3.(V)(4)(a). Permittees should email their current training certificate to We also require an updated copy of your Louisiana driver's license or ID card, and any information changes (e.g., address updates).
Any training course or class offered for the purpose of certification to obtain a concealed handgun permit must be conductedby an NRA or P.O.S.T. certified instructor who has registered his name and certification with the Department. TheDepartment does not regulate the fees charged by these instructors.
R.S. 40:1379.3 (N) states that no concealed handgun may be carried into and no concealed handgun permit issuedpursuant to this Section shall authorize or entitle a permittee to carry a concealed handgun inany of the following:
The provisions of R.S. 40:1379.3 (N) shall not limit the right of a property owner, lessee, or other lawful custodianto prohibit or restrict access of those persons possessing a concealed handgun pursuant to a permit issued under thisSection. No individual to whom a concealed handgun permit is issued may carry such concealed handgun into the privateresidence of another without first receiving the consent of that person.
A permittee may not carry and conceal a handgun while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance(CDS) as defined in R.S. 40:961 and 964. For purposes of the concealed handgun law, a permittee is considered underthe influence of alcohol when a blood alcohol reading of .05% or greater by weight of alcohol in the blood is obtained,or a blood or urine test shows any confirmed presence of a CDS.
R.S. 40:1379.3(C)(1) requires the making of a sworn application to the deputy secretary of public safety services ofthe Department of Public Safety and Corrections. The providing of false or misleading information on the applicationor any documents submitted with the application shall be grounds for the denial or revocation of a concealed handgunpermit. The application shall reflect training in pistols, revolvers, or both. Any permittee under this Sectionshall notify the department of any address or name change within thirty days of the change. Failure to timely notifythe department of a name or address change may result in suspension of the permit for up to thirty days.
"...A current and valid concealed handgun permit issued by another state shall be deemed to be valid within thisstate if a current and valid concealed handgun permit issued by Louisiana is valid in those states." Louisiana law requires residents of the State of Louisiana to possess a Louisiana permit to carry a concealed weapon in this state. Louisiana law does not prohibit residents from obtaining permits from other states to carry in those states.
Permit holders are reminded that while carrying a concealed handgun in another state they are bound by that state'slaws governing concealed carry and permittees from other reciprocal states are bound by Louisianaconcealed carry laws while in Louisiana.
This linked pamphlet contains selected relevant Louisiana statutes pertaining to concealed handguns, use of deadly force, and weapons, current through the most recent session of the Louisiana Legislature. The laws contained in the pamphlet are subject to amendment, and it is your responsibility to be aware of and comply with the most recent statement of law.
Act 4 of the First Extraordinary Session of the 1996 Legislature amended and re-enacted R.S. 40:1379.3 providing for the issuance of statewide concealed handgun permits by the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Public Safety & Corrections (DPS). The permit grants statewide authority to a citizen to carry a concealed handgun on his person. A handgun is defined as "a type of firearm commonly referred to as a pistol or revolver originally designed to be fired by the use of a single hand and which is designed to fire or is capable of firing fixed cartridge ammunition." It does not include "shotguns or rifles that have been altered by having their stocks or barrels cut or shortened."
The passage of Act 680 of the 2022 Regular Legislative Session (Effective August 1, 2022) enacted LRS 14:95(M) to provide certain exemptions for the concealed carrying of firearms. Under LRS 14:95(M), the intentional concealment of any firearm shall not apply to a resident of Louisiana if ALL of the following conditions are met: The person is twenty-one years of age or older,
The person is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under R.S. 14:95.1, R.S. 40:1379.3(C)(5) through (17), 18 U.S.C. 922(g), or any other state or federal law,
The person is a reserve or active-duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces; a member of the Louisiana National Guard or the Louisiana Air National Guard; or a former member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces, the Louisiana National Guard, or the Louisiana Air National Guard who has been honorably discharged from service.
At all times that a person is in possession of a concealed handgun pursuant to R.S. 40:1379.3(B)(2), that person shall have on his person proof that he meets the qualifications of Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph demonstrated by ONE of the following:A valid military identification card,
A valid driver's license issued by the state of Louisiana displaying the word "Veteran" pursuant to R.S. 32:412(K),
A valid special identification card issued by the state of Louisiana displaying the word "Veteran" pursuant to R.S. 40:1321(K).
For a member released from service who does not qualify to have the word "Veteran" displayed on a state issued driver's license or special identification card, a Department of Defense Form 214 (DD-214) indicating the character of service as "Honorable" or "Under Honorable Conditions (General)" and a valid driver's license or special identification card issued by the state of Louisiana.
These summary reports cover the period for each respective calendar year, and also include statistical data for permits issued since inception of the CHP Unit on April 19, 1996. The number of concealed handgun permits issued, denied, suspended, or revoked during these periods and the reasons for such are categorized by age, race, sex, parish and zip code.
Federal Firearms License (FFL) CHP Status InquiryOffice of the State RegisterThis is a searchable database of the Louisiana Administrative Code. These are the administrative rules governing theissuance, and regulation of concealed handgun permits. These rules are contained in the Louisiana Administrative Code,Title 55, Part I, Chapter 13, Sections 1301 and 1317.
Concealed carry, or carrying a concealed weapon (CCW), is the practice of carrying a weapon (usually a sidearm such as a handgun), either in proximity to or on one's person or in public places in a manner that hides or conceals the weapon's presence from the surrounding observers. The opposite of concealed carry is called open carry. 2ff7e9595c